Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Nothing can ever be normal with my family...this particularly includes holidays.

Thanksgiving started in the early hours before the Sun even began to rise. My mother had gone over to my house with her husband Frankie to use the oven to cook the ham since she was going to have the oven full with dressing at her house. Well, all went smoothly until it came time to leave. She walked down the front steps and snap, crackle and pop! She stepped in a "hole" and broke her ankle. Supposedly she had rolled all over the ground screaming and hollering in agony and despair. I was not there to witness this, but the neighbors did call in to report a murder at my house...just kidding.

She was quickly taken to the ER by Frankie, and she had her ankle wrapped up while she received a dose of some "happy pill". She was so chipper and giggly when she called to tell me what had happened. When she called my sister she told her that she had to go see Dr. Marvel in Quitman and that he was "Marv-e-lous." She said that in the most sing-songy voice that she could. Believe me, this is totally out of character for her when it comes to situations of pain. Just ask my brother-in-law who wheeled her around in a wheelchair all over the Magic Kingdom when she had a few foot blisters.

So, with none of the Thanksgiving food prepared...things became desperate. Mother gave orders from the living room as Frankie and I tried our best to make mashed potatoes and deviled eggs. Thankfully, my sister came to the rescue and prepared the rest of the food while I entertained my nieces. Problem is that Frankie took his time to de-skin and de-bone the chicken for the dressing, and Kim forgot to put it in the dressing! Afterwards, I went over to my aunt's house for her annual Thanksgiving shindig. It was there that I discovered the beauty and tasty delight of "dog vomit." Mmmmmmm! It is pretty much a sausage ball smeared on rye bread...just in case you thought I really ate doggy chunks.

Believe me, that's not the only crazy stuff that has gone on today...but every family has to keep some of its secrets...

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